Complex Password Guide

Tips For Password Security

  1. Keep your passwords private – never share a password with anyone else.
  2. Do not write down your passwords.
  3. Use passwords of at least eight (8) characters or more (longer is better).
  4. Use a combination of upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, and special characters (for example: !, @, &, %, +) in all passwords.
  5. Avoid using people’s or pet’s names, or words found in the dictionary; it’s also best to avoid using key dates (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.).
  6. Substituting look-alike characters for letters or numbers is no longer sufficient (for example, Password” and “P@ssw0rd”).
  7. A strong password should look like a series of random characters.

How To Create A Strong, Complex Password

Here’s a way to make a strong password that’s very hard to crack:


  • Think of a phrase or sentence with at least eight words. It should be something easy for you to remember but hard for someone who knows you to guess. It could be a line from a favorite poem, story, movie, song lyric, or quotation you like.
  • Remove all but the first letter of each word in your phrase.
  • Replace several of the upper-case letters with lower case ones, at random.
  • Now substitute a number for at least one of the letters. (Here, we’ve changed the capital “I” to the numeral 1).
  • Finally, use special characters ( $, &, +, !, @) to replace a letter or two — preferably a letter that is repeated in the phrase. You can also add an extra character to the mix. (Here, we’ve replaced the “t” with “+”, and added an exclamation point at the end.)


I Want To Put A Dent In The Universe

What To Do Next…

This Complex Password Guide is just a small part of a strong Cybersecurity program. For more information and to take a free risk assessment visit:

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