Pelycon was founded in 2016 by experienced IT engineers who have spent decades working directly with business owners.

We spent that time listening to what’s important to business owners and removing anything that doesn’t play a direct role in cybersecurity or reducing downtime from our service offering. Pelycon supports businesses from our base in Lexington Kentucky.

a lot of what you need

Our goal is to help business owners make educated decisions about technology. There’s a lot of jargon and needless services out there, we help decipher what’s valuable and needed from what’s flashy and overpriced. We succeed by being good stewards of a business owner’s time and money. When our clients have the knowledge and confidence that their businesses are running well, everybody wins!
Pelycon employees smiling

What does Onboarding Look like?

We’ll scan, analyze and check on your system during the first few days of our relationship with you. After installing our software agents, we determine where weak points are, where improvements can be made, and work on a fix to any chronic problems. After this initial work, we use Remote Monitoring and Management to keep eyes on every part of your business technology. These agents send alerts to our team so we can fix them before they become problems that cost you money or downtime.
Periodically, we’ll meet with you to discuss strategy, address any changes needed, and show you our plan for keeping your licenses, subscriptions and hardware renewed and working well. We know costs are always a concern, we look at how to make the best plan for you fit your budget and timeline.
Pelycon On-boarding process


If you are tired of the unpredictable IT costs from month to month, tired of not feeling important to your current IT folks, or simply want to find out if there is a better option, give us a chance to show you how we can help your business thrive.

what our clients are saying

Meet With Nick

Enter your information to schedule a meeting with Nick Conness, IT Engineer and one of our founders. He’ll walk you through a proprietary consultation process – either in person or virtually – and provide you with customized solutions help your company spend the right amount of time and money on technology.


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